Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Break-Part 2

Tonights movie night! :D  The gang and I (even Ms.) are all here in the living room getting ready to watch a movie. I still dont know what we are are watching. Ms. said its a really good one. No one but her knows what she put in. Ms. is on the couch next to Philip, Audree is layed out on the other couch, Mike is snug in one of the cunfy chairs and Jasmine is in the other. Leaving me and Tony to the lovely floor. (at least the carpet is soft) He is laying next to me (about 5 feet away to be spesific) I'm sitting up typing to you! :}  The rest of the week has been pretty good so far. Jasmine gave a beautiful performance yesterday when she was watching Tony make a smoothie.
-yesterday 12:23-
"Hey, guys. Are any of you gnna want any smoothie?" asked Tony while he searched for bananas in the pantry
"Sounds good," said Mike playing cards with Audree
"Yeah I want some too," she said not even looking up from her cards
Jasmine and I were seated on high chairs watching Tony right infront of us put down the bananas and set up the blending machine.
"Does Spicy and Saucy wany any?" he asked smiling at us
I wanted to say no but Jasmine insisted we have. Tony put the fruit and juice in and told Jasmine to blend it for a few seconds while he went to go get ice. Jasmine and I have never made a smoothie before, add that to the fact that she was staring at him the whole time and not paying attention to what she was doing. She pressed blend before putting the lid on. Of corse smoothie went splattering all over us. We both screamed like maniacs and Tony ran over to turn it off. It didnt matter though, Jasmine and I were already covered in smothie from our face to the mid part of our shirts. I looked at her with my harsh cold stare and she nervously smiled at me. Philip came down stairs then...
"I heard a blender! Is Tony making a smoothie...?" he stopped and looked confused at Jasmine and I, he smiled "Well...don't you two look fruity."
Thats when everyone started laughing.
The movie started and we are watching Pride and Predjudice. A classic. Although I would have much perfered X-Men. Philip looked really happy when we found out we are watching Pride and Predudice. Everyone one else groaned and Ms. said...
"Ah, shut up! You wouldn't know classic if you were eatin it!"
She thinks all Americans do is eat. So not true! *eats some popcorn* Ok I'm not gonna lie I kinda like this movie. Farwell!

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