So it's been about two, three weeks and we are still in school in London. (thank God) It's been good....up until yesterday. See, yesterday around the middle of the day people were talking about new students. So like a good little girl I asked someone who were the new kids and she said it was a boy and a girl. I was a bit curious about them since I haven't seen them at all, all day. So I ask around and the girl's name is Felicia and the boy is Xavier. I forgot the last names but who cares. Apparently the guys say Felicia is "hot" and Xavier is a "nerd"and "pushover". According to the girls Felicia is a "obvious dying hair freak" with no personality, and Xavier is "cute" and "smart". Well that just sorts everything out. So I just got out of my last class with Jasmine and we were heading to the garden to meet the others to hang out ('cause that's what the cool teens do)
"Ugh, I hate him. He always holds us back longer than he's supposed to!" complained Jasmine who was talking about our last teacher
"I know. I thought I was going to die." I agreed
"Who gives homework on the weekends anyway?!"
"Are you going to do it?"
"Pfff, no."
"Sssh! Don't let anyone hear you!"
"No one's around."
We heard noises from the garden. It sounded like shouting and someone yelped out in pain.
"What the-"
I stopped Jasmine before she could finish the sentence and ran. I dragged her with me until we reached the garden. There in the middle was Philip, Audree, Mike and Tony fighting with....some red head girl and her friend....some blond kid....*gasp* It was Felicia and Xavier! Audree grabbed Felicia's hair pulling her back and I saw her face all too was Grace....Grace! Ex-girlfriend of Mike and ex-friend of Audree, the traitor of us all!
Jasmine and I ran to them.
"Stop!" I shouted
Philip was trying to separate Audree from Grace, Tony, Mike and Xavier were fist fighting. It was so bad I already saw blood coming down from Xavier's nose as he lied on the ground trying to push Mike off him while Tony seemed to be trying to choke him!
"Stop!" I shouted trying to pull Mike off of Xavier. "Let him go Mike!"
He said something but I couldn't make it out over Grace's screaming. Jasmine and Philip were now holding Audree away from Grace. She layed on the floor looking at Audree with horror.
"Mike stop!" I yelled pulling hard
"Okay Mike he's had enough." said Tony whose cheek was bruised and had now let go of his share of Xavier
Mike was choking down hard on Xavier. Xavier's face was red...purple!
"Noooo!" Grace screamed
Mike's face trickled with sweat but he didn't stop. Everyone was soon around trying to get Mike off him but Mike is the biggest and the strongest.
"Mike its okay!" Audree said panting holding his arm "Let go."
Grace fell to her knees and pounded on Mike's back crying.
"Mike stop it! Stop it! Stop it! MIKE!"
Mike's eyes widened and he looked like he just woke up from a day dream. He released his grip on Xavier's neck. Xavier took a deep breath in and then pasted out. Grace wept over him as Mike moved away. He looked at Xavier one last time realizing what he had done...then looked at Grace who looked up at him with eyes as red as her newly dyed hair. Then she turned away and tried to wake up Xavier whose color was returning to normal, slowly.
"Tyler," she whispered "Tyler please get up."
Mike turned and ran before anyone could stop him, except Audree.
"Mike! Wait!" but he kept running
Audree turned back to Grace who was still on the ground with Xavier...or Tyler. I'm guessing Xavier was his false name...kinda nerdy. Anyway Audree looked down at Grace with eyes full of tears.
"Why did you come back?"
Grace looked up at her and wiped a tear away from one eye. "I told you." she said "We came to help you."
"What?" I asked surprised, apparently I missed a lot "What are you talking about?"
"We don't need your help." Jasmine crossed her arms
Grace looked down at Xav-Tyler I mean. "I'll tell you if you help me get him to the nurse."
We looked at her like *beep* no! More tears came down her face.
"Please! Just help me and I'll tell you everything you want to know! I'm not going to turn you in! There after me to!"
"What?" said Tony
"Like I said. I'll tell you everything."
We looked at each other. We weren't going to trust her. In fact we were going to ditch this school tonight without her knowing to get away from her. But we weren't going to leave that boy there with no one to help him.
"We need to take him to the dorm." said Philip checking his vitals "He's completely fine. He just needs to recooperate on his own, but we need to have water ready for him when he wakes."
We carried him to his dorm and layed him on the bed.
"Why can't we take him to the nurse?" asked Grace standing over Tyler wiping the rest of her tears.
"They'll ask too many questions." Philip answered "To much attention for us."
Audree stood at the door, arms crossed and ready to go at any moment. I knew she was worried about Mike. Everyone was.
"Just stay with him until he wakes and make sure he drinks a lot of water and that he rests."
said Philip turning to leave
"Wait!" Grace called to him "You guys can trust me now. I'm on your side!"
We stood there unsure of what to say or think. Audree opened the door.
"We will never trust you." and then she left rushing out. We all followed somberly.
When we got to the dorm Audree stormed in and started packing clothes.
"Wait! Where do you think you're going?" asked Philip
She turned to him and rolled her eyes "I thought we agreed that we were leaving. Tonight."
"There's no rush." said Philip sitting on the bed
"Whoa, I'm with her." said Tony "We need to leave now, otherwise Grace is gonna come in here with machine guns with all her buddies."
"I want to find out what she's up to exactly. She wouldn't have come back just because."
"Obviously she came back to trick us, which didn't work and now she's gonna call for back up! We need to leave now." said Audree with hand motions and everything
Philip sighed. "She's not going to call for back up."
"How do you know?" Jasmine asked
Philip sighed like it was obvious "She just went through an emotional break down. And I think she might be telling the truth."
"Key word: Might." mocked Audree
"We will leave tomorrow night. So that I can fill out paper work in the office quietly that way we don't end up on T.V. as missing kids. Then everyone will be on the look for us."
We stood there. He was right. But nobody wanted to admit it first.
"I'm okay with it." Jasmine said "Jamie?"
I could not believe she put me in the spot like that. My decision would determine everything. If I agreed Tony would agree too. (lets face it, the boy would do anything I say, did you see how quickly he stopped fighting when I came on the scene against it?) And if he agreed then Mike would do it anyway just to leave sooner. And Audree would have wait with us. I sighed and answered.
"Lets go with Philip's plan."
Tony crossed his arms and nodded, "Yeah, that's what I was gonna say."
We looked at him like "shut up". Audree stormed out of the room. We all tried to relax knowing she would be back with Mike. As it got later the boys left to their dorm. Jasmine and I sat around worrying about Mike and Audree. Finally Jasmine fell asleep and I was left waiting. Then when I was about to give up and go to sleep Audree slipped inside and melted inside the room, closing the door behind her. I got up and sat next to her. We said nothing for a while then she spoke.
"I couldn't find Mike, anywhere."
"I know he's okay." I comforted "He just needs some time alone."
"He could have killed that boy you know." she said burring her face in her knees
"I know. That's why I had to stop him."
A moment passed.
"I know I must be horrible for saying this, but...." Audree thought "I'm glad he let out his anger."
I looked at her skeptically.
"I know!" she said in defeat "But, he just went back to being emotionless and depressed and...not himself. I hate seeing him like that."
"He just just his parents." I explained "And I'm sure he's still traumatized about Gr-" Audree looked at me before I finished and I stopped.
She understood. We sat there. Sat there dreading for what might come tomorrow.
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